31.   Analysts expect Digital to report a small loss for the first quarter.

32.   Analysts expect the first quarter of this year to see zero growth, with a gradual recovery beginning in the second quarter.

33.   Analysts predicted a good first quarter for the Farmington Hills-based software company.

34.   Analysts said foreigners need assurance that earnings have begun to rebound from the disappointing first quarter before re-entering the market.

35.   Analysts say the U.S. economy is more to blame than the German economy for higher-than-expected German bond yields at the end of the first quarter.

36.   Analysts say those trends, which also propelled better-than-expected growth in the first quarter, will continue.

37.   And after record flows into money market funds in the first quarter, investors started taking money out in April.

38.   An interception by ASU quarterback Jake Plummer led to a Stanford touchdown in the closing seconds of the first quarter.

39.   And consumer spending appears to have dropped off from the exceptional levels of the first quarter of this year.

40.   Analysts and industry executives, anticipating that shareholders would be voting on the consent solicitation, have debated whether RJR Nabisco would increase its dividend in the first quarter.

a. + quarter >>共 285
fourth 20.48%
third 18.37%
first 16.98%
second 16.92%
last 2.17%
current 1.76%
consecutive 1.61%
living 1.32%
final 1.19%
recent 0.94%
first + n. >>共 866
time 17.03%
half 3.66%
round 3.47%
day 2.41%
step 2.05%
game 1.75%
quarter 1.68%
year 1.32%
inning 1.07%
meeting 1.03%
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