1.   A financial adviser should be able to point you in the right direction.

2.   A handful of online financial advisers such as Ask Figaro have plans to address this problem.

3.   All building society investors and financial advisers are strongly urged to check that they are getting the best rates available.

4.   An independent financial adviser should be able to contact a wide range of companies for you and find you the best deal.

5.   An unlimited number of sub-accounts are available to financial advisers.

6.   But do not assume that you will be handed a fat compensation cheque by your financial adviser or life insurance company.

7.   C., New York, as a financial adviser.

8.   City analysts and financial advisers said the company would have a tough job convincing people that the deal was workable.

9.   Different financial advisers will have different levels of expertise.

a. + adviser >>共 429
financial 13.21%
senior 11.29%
top 7.47%
economic 5.23%
military 4.89%
presidential 4.73%
legal 4.59%
political 4.55%
former 3.66%
special 3.37%
financial + n. >>共 564
market 8.71%
institution 6.54%
service 4.92%
crisis 3.98%
aid 2.63%
support 2.14%
system 2.03%
problem 1.91%
assistance 1.38%
adviser 1.25%
每页显示:    共 650