1.   He filed a request for disciplinary action against Burgess.

2.   Have the court clerk file your request with the judge.

3.   And Agouron Pharmaceuticals Inc. of La Jolla, Calif., filed a request with the agency for permission to market Viracept for the treatment of HIV infection.

4.   And Agouron Pharmaceuticals of California filed a request with the agency for permission to market Viracept to treat HIV infection.

5.   As a first step, he said, the group may file a request for information under the law with the expectation of being denied.

6.   Anti-tobacco attorneys have filed a request before another Florida judge to unseal the documents, and a decision on that could be made by next week.

7.   Arizona filed its request in February and the EPA approved it this week.

8.   Attorneys for plaintiffs in the racial discrimination case against it face another deadline for filing a request to have the suit certified as a class action.

9.   BellSouth has recently filed requests to offer long-distance in South Carolina and Louisiana.

10.   A formal strike request was filed early today with the labor ministry office in Maracaibo.

v. + request >>共 422
reject 10.59%
make 9.89%
deny 6.96%
decline 6.49%
refuse 6.24%
receive 4.28%
grant 4.10%
consider 4.03%
approve 2.77%
file 2.33%
file + n. >>共 230
charge 16.32%
lawsuit 15.33%
suit 14.70%
complaint 9.95%
appeal 4.08%
motion 3.15%
report 2.99%
claim 2.73%
petition 2.16%
paper 1.88%
request 1.08%
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