1.   Expenditure a person incurs by exercising an option in a contract is not expenditure incurred under that contract.

2.   With more products on the Market, Roche could be encouraged to exercise its option to buy the rest of Genentech.

3.   The option must be exercised within five years.

4.   The option could be exercised by the buyer giving notice in writing.

5.   The buyer exercised the option, but then did not complete the contract, so the seller took him to court.

6.   The clause should also state the earliest date upon which the option may be exercised.

7.   What results when the option is not exercised is not in any sense preordained, except by the terms of the option contract itself.

8.   These commonly give optionholders the right to exercise their options for a fixed period following a scheme of arrangement becoming effective.

9.   Allen says he will not exercise the option without a financing package for a new stadium.

v. + option >>共 490
have 31.90%
consider 6.27%
exercise 5.64%
explore 3.89%
discuss 2.73%
offer 2.43%
use 2.37%
give 2.24%
review 1.35%
buy 1.30%
exercise + n. >>共 284
caution 13.19%
option 12.80%
right 10.63%
restraint 8.98%
power 8.36%
control 6.02%
influence 3.50%
authority 2.74%
discretion 2.24%
care 1.80%
每页显示:    共 353