1.   Councils are joining up with their European counterparts.

2.   Bernard Baruch asserted that American aid should have been channelled through American businessmen to their European counterparts, so low was his opinion of the economic policies of governments.

3.   Like its European counterparts, the California Greens are to eschew leadership, to be based on feminist principles and to promote universal health care.

4.   The relatively puny Fascist and Communist movements in Britain gained attention because they were seen as projections of much more important European counterparts.

5.   SOLICITORS are joining forces in a bid to improve links with their European counterparts.

6.   Also expect to see Ryder Cup captain Curtis Strange square off against his European counterpart, Sam Torrence.

7.   American companies have proven superior to their European counterparts at meeting varying local demands.

8.   American rappers are getting competition from such European counterparts as Lucas, who hails from Denmark, and French rapper MC Solaar.

9.   American agencies are as overwhelmed as their smaller European counterparts.

10.   American lawyers, like their European counterparts, are beginning to try to put up some defenses.

a. + counterpart >>共 689
russian 6.55%
chinese 4.71%
american 3.48%
japanese 3.26%
israeli 3.23%
french 3.20%
british 2.65%
european 2.28%
male 2.26%
german 1.97%
european + n. >>共 813
country 9.46%
currency 5.89%
market 3.62%
nation 2.94%
leader 2.24%
company 1.92%
government 1.63%
tour 1.51%
ally 1.51%
official 1.37%
counterpart 0.51%
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