1.   A stiff resistance might well increase the pressure on Washington to end the war on Southern terms.

2.   At this time, however, the Jacksonians were suffering increasing criticism for their inability to end the war.

3.   Both sides redoubled their efforts to end the war.

4.   Eisenhower finally fulfilled his campaign pledge to end the war in Korea.

5.   Iran agreed to send an envoy to the United Nations for talks on ending the war.

6.   The plot concerns a strategy conceived and agreed by the women of the world to end all wars.

7.   The trouble with the first option, to simply end the war, was that Hanoi would not cooperate.

8.   Eisenhower fulfilled his election pledge to end the war in Korea.

v. + war >>共 540
fight 11.56%
end 11.17%
wage 8.72%
win 6.56%
declare 5.83%
lose 2.35%
start 2.04%
stop 1.46%
survive 1.45%
avert 1.24%
end + n. >>共 821
war 4.98%
inning 4.81%
game 2.95%
violence 2.86%
conflict 2.78%
crisis 2.27%
career 2.16%
strike 2.09%
threat 1.95%
life 1.48%
每页显示:    共 844