1.   Despite the fact that she sings about uniquely female experience, she denies having feminist leanings.

2.   They denied having any association with terrorists.

3.   Forty seven year old John House of Fairwell Drive in Bulwell denied having unlawful sexual intercourse with the girls but was found guilty at Nottingham Crown Court.

4.   He also denied having the broken bottle.

5.   An earlier sworn affidavit in which she denied having an affair with Clinton exposes her to a charge of perjury if it subsequently turns out to be false.

6.   And below that was a story about Charles Lindbergh, who, in a letter to President Franklin Roosevelt, denied having any link to the Axis powers.

7.   And he denies having a conversation with any other Republican official about his plans for the race.

8.   At a news conference Wednesday, he denied having any connection with al-Qaida.

9.   Badalamenti has denied having such a conversation with Buscetta.

v-ing having >>共 328
deny 10.87%
avoid 8.08%
mean 3.81%
start 3.81%
begin 3.39%
like 3.33%
admit 3.06%
consider 3.03%
end_up 3.00%
include 2.58%
deny v-ing >>共 614
making 8.30%
having 7.29%
being 4.99%
knowing 4.87%
taking 4.01%
using 3.18%
receiving 2.40%
killing 2.22%
giving 2.11%
doing 1.77%
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