1.   A Boeing spokesman said the company hoped the dispute could be defused before it came to that.

2.   Clinton said today he worked for days to defuse the dispute.

3.   Clinton said he worked for days to defuse the dispute.

4.   Fox won plaudits for tactfully defusing disputes with PRI diehards over state elections in Tabasco and Yucatan.

5.   If policy and program reviews are more open, it will be easier to defuse disputes.

6.   In an attempt to defuse the dispute, Zoellick has offered to exempt the poorest of the poor countries from patent rules on medicine.

7.   One important subject of discussion was how to defuse a potential trade dispute focusing on a European Union directive that threatens trade in pharmaceutical products.

8.   So he is likely to try to defuse disputes about morality.

9.   The hope is that closer cooperation will help defuse the disputes between rich and poor countries that undermined the Seattle meeting.

10.   The White House held out hope that the dispute would be defused Sunday during a preparatory visit to the Japanese capital by Defense Secretary William J. Perry.

v. + dispute >>共 369
resolve 26.42%
settle 20.80%
end 4.30%
solve 3.65%
have 3.31%
mediate 2.91%
discuss 2.58%
follow 1.87%
take 1.70%
arbitrate 1.20%
defuse 0.61%
defuse + n. >>共 177
tension 22.30%
crisis 15.95%
bomb 11.39%
situation 7.73%
device 3.60%
conflict 2.34%
issue 2.28%
criticism 1.92%
dispute 1.74%
explosive 1.68%
每页显示:    共 29