1.   Beating the defending champion has to be the highlight of my career.

2.   Cheah defeated the defending champion in the National Grand Prix.

3.   Distractions are everywhere, especially for a defending champion.

4.   Her record speed has turned the tables on Runyan, the defending champion.

5.   Morrell went on for a comfortable victory over three seconds clear of the defending champion, Mark Kirk, of Ballymena.

6.   Ronnie Black is the defending champion.

7.   The defending champions ended up second, the bronze medalists fifth.

a. + champion >>共 324
defending 25.62%
olympic 9.03%
former 7.83%
two-time 5.99%
national 5.48%
reigning 3.52%
european 2.98%
boxing 1.49%
eventual 1.38%
junior 1.17%
defending + n. >>共 113
champion 80.30%
world 4.67%
champ 4.16%
titlist 2.22%
medalist 1.24%
league 1.21%
series 0.72%
race 0.41%
division 0.39%
conference 0.36%
每页显示:    共 3092