1.   Perhaps some were just following the current fashionable tour.

2.   Wilko has released him to play on Norways current ten day tour to America.

3.   THE Middlesex batsman, Mark Ramprakash, will be considered for the summer series against Australia after being effectively suspended for the current tour to India and Sri Lanka.

4.   And in an interview published before the start of his current tour, Brooks further downplayed his stature.

5.   As for CSNY, there too Young is reluctant to commit to anything beyond the current tour.

6.   Back with the Indigo Girls for the current tour is bassist Sara Lee, last seen on stage with Ani DiFranco.

7.   Backstage at concerts on his current tour, he has spent time getting to know friends he has made through the Internet.

8.   Before the current tour, he led the London Symphony in a miniature Boulez festival in London and Paris.

9.   Before the start of the current tour, Buck, Stipe and Mills had dinner with their former drummer at his Georgia farm.

10.   Because of their sensitivity to light, they are rarely exhibited and their current tour was strictly limited.

a. + tour >>共 1109
european 6.43%
guided 4.00%
asian 2.97%
walking 2.74%
first 2.57%
regional 2.27%
african 2.27%
current 1.94%
senior 1.87%
national 1.55%
current + n. >>共 1075
law 3.14%
system 3.03%
crisis 2.26%
situation 2.02%
level 1.95%
government 1.32%
president 1.07%
issue 1.04%
price 0.97%
problem 0.96%
tour 0.41%
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