31.   Board Chairman Jack Christie, R-Houston, said the board will consider the proposal at its March meeting.

32.   Board members conducted an extended afternoon meeting in New York to consider the proposals from Hilton Hotels Corp. and Starwood Lodging Trust.

33.   Bodine said he is considering three proposals but declined to say who is involved.

34.   Both proposals are being considered for possible international implementation by an Internet standards group, the World Wide Web Consortium.

35.   A day earlier, Ashcroft criticized lawmakers for taking too long to consider his proposals, saying law enforcement needed tools and not talk to do their job.

36.   A federal court judge is now considering the proposal, and a final accord seems imminent.

37.   A CME spokeswoman said the exchange is considering the proposal.

38.   A deferral without such an admission was said to have appealed to Andersen, but the government would not consider a proposal like that.

39.   A spokesman said Governor George Pataki was willing to consider the proposal.

40.   After the deal with Zuckerman fell apart, the agency considered proposals ranging from a television studio to a roller-skating rink to retail stores.

v. + proposal >>共 421
reject 11.10%
make 4.92%
discuss 4.11%
submit 3.87%
accept 3.25%
approve 2.98%
consider 2.81%
present 2.59%
support 2.25%
study 2.04%
consider + n. >>共 1200
option 2.65%
possibility 2.40%
proposal 2.04%
case 1.98%
action 1.95%
appeal 1.95%
request 1.95%
issue 1.57%
change 1.49%
bill 1.33%
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