81.   Instead, first consider the text qua text.

82.   Instead, Fox said Mexico should consider legalizing the production, distribution and sale of drugs."

83.   Instead, he argues, debate about the abundance of water deserve to be considered as a separate category apart from the arguments about scarcity.

84.   Instead, he is saying that a skater who can NOT do such a jump should not even be considered as a candidate for the gold.

85.   Instead, he sat still, quietly considering the holes both in his ambassadorial skills and his knowledge that might prove detrimental to first contact.

86.   Instead, I'll spend my mind teaching what the Bible says and encourage people to consider the validity of those words.

87.   Instead, I grew to consider libertarianism as the view with the least pressing problems ranging over the most significant areas of inquiry.

88.   Instead, I will briefly explain why somebody who is often considered a skeptic is spending so much time creating a Tarot fortune telling game.

89.   Instead, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn has suggested harvesting the fish and sending them to China, where they are considered a delicacy.

90.   Instead, information requests should be considered as the first step in identifying the mutual interests of both organizations.

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