41.   Instead of taking the penalty for early cash out, consider borrowing the money back, securing it with the CD.

42.   Instead of telling the most knowledgable and honest congress men to shut up, you should consider putting his name on your 2012 ballot.

43.   Instead of the tuxedo accessories, consider some glittering jewelry furry cuffs and ears or something entirely different.

44.   Instead of the whole body being considered at one time, each organ is attended separately.

45.   Instead of thinking, "Oh no" when the alarm goes off consider, "I'm going to make the best of this day".

46.   Instead of to sit and consider of diverse sections of an content, an outline will supply a clear introduction, entire body and conclusion.

47.   Instead of trying to take each one of these vitamins and minerals separately each day, consider a complete multivitamin.

48.   Instead of using a drain valve controlled, consider using the float valve of the pool to top off automatically when water level decreases.

49.   Instead of using credit cards, consider using cash.

50.   Instead of using your oven, consider an outdoor grill or toaster oven for small amounts of food.

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