1.   A speeding car hit and injured our child.

2.   As the car hits the top of the bridge, tiny beads of sweat form on his forehead.

3.   He died because his car hit a wall.

4.   The car hit a brick wall!

5.   The car hit a lamppost.

6.   The car hit an icy patch on the road and went out of control.

7.   The driver was ejected when the car hit an embankment and rolled over.

8.   The car hit her with such force that she was lifted clean off the ground.

9.   The car hit a bump on the road.

10.   Wham!

n. + hit >>共 961
shell 3.44%
ball 2.69%
plane 2.64%
missile 2.43%
bullet 2.21%
bomb 1.78%
car 1.78%
rocket 1.78%
storm 1.44%
shot 1.38%
car + v. >>共 923
be 22.40%
have 5.28%
go 2.26%
come 2.19%
hit 2.01%
drive 1.99%
run 1.90%
crash 1.62%
pull 1.51%
stop 1.15%
每页显示:    共 200