1.   Argentine shares rose, reversing earlier losses, as late gains among Brazilian stocks helped lift confidence in the region.

2.   Brazilian stock plunged on panic selling, amid speculation that the crisis assailing currencies in Asia could spill over to Latin America.

3.   Brazilian stocks advanced as bond yields fell in the U.S., spurring gains by eucalyptus pulp producers and large state-controlled telecoms and mining conglomerates.

4.   Brazilian stocks and bonds fell, though gains late in the session pared losses.

5.   Brazilian stocks bounced back in afternoon trading and so did Mexican shares.

6.   Brazilian stocks declined amid concern an Argentine tax package could fail to cut a budget deficit there and lead investors to pull out of the region.

7.   Brazilian stocks dropped after a U.S. economic report sparked concern that higher inflation drove up interest rates.

8.   Brazilian stocks fell amid concern over whether the government will be able to reduce a growing trade deficit.

9.   Brazilian stocks fell amid concern that lawmakers are paying less attention to cutting a budget deficit than winning municipal elections next month.

10.   Brazilian stocks fell amid concern that the government may have to restrict credit and cool the economy to slow a ballooning trade deficit.

a. + stock >>共 735
japanese 8.79%
canadian 3.09%
financial 3.06%
mexican 2.95%
european 2.02%
philippine 1.85%
brazilian 1.71%
colombian 1.71%
chilean 1.69%
new 1.59%
brazilian + n. >>共 957
stock 5.91%
striker 3.59%
government 3.48%
team 3.15%
soccer 2.32%
company 2.19%
star 2.09%
defender 2.09%
coach 1.90%
midfielder 1.46%
每页显示:    共 309