61.   In a spirit of community service, books and slates appeared.

62.   In addition, there would be no more million-dollar book deals because the Amish do not buy books.

63.   In frustration, he began to study books on the topic.

64.   In the last scene of the play, a ghostly female figure shimmers into the room, her arms laden with books.

65.   In the midst of all this some other people turned their anger inward and wrote newspaper articles, pamphlets, and books.

66.   In time, books, radio broadcasts, films, and professional journals were added to the list.

67.   Iron stoves, buttons, ships, shirts, hairbrushes, paint, steam engines, books.

68.   It also has book excerpts, book reviews, a place to order Time-Life gardening books and a bulletin board for gardeners.

69.   It was a treasure trove of books, photos, clothing, and memorabilia.

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