51.   Here there were piles of newspapers, heaps of books, manuscripts, labels, rubber stamps, envelopes.

52.   His room was strewn with books and papers.

53.   Household items allow the Junior magician to make an erupting volcano and camera obscura, hypnotise books and see water flow uphill.

54.   However, most famous antiques have been illustrated in books, and Christoffers found a sharp photograph of the chest.

55.   I am teaching myself watercolour painting from books.

56.   I let myself be persuaded to take part in a television programme about books.

57.   I must say it was a great relief not to have to try to understand it all from books.

58.   I wanted to go to the movies sometimes, read books, take a vacation.

59.   I wish my child would read different, better, more advanced books.

60.   If books did not supply apprentices with much, neither did formal training programs, which scarcely existed.

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