1.   Similar gestures of sympathy were being made in Cork and Galway, where newspapers also opened support funds for the bombing victims.

2.   Although some relatives of the bombing victims believe Ellis and have lobbied Congress for hearings, his account has never been substantiated.

3.   As she tried unsuccessfully to wipe away her tears, McVeigh, who has shown no emotion during the heart-rending testimony of bombing victims, blushed and looked sad.

4.   Ashcroft also confirms that survivors and relatives of the bombing victims will be allowed to watch the execution on closed-circuit TV.

5.   Bombing victims lowered their heads, held hands and cried silenty in the back of the courtroom as U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch read the verdict out loud.

6.   A few years ago, the funerals of Israeli bombing victims were automatically the top story on radio news broadcasts, no matter what else was going on.

7.   A news program was promising to reveal where that famous bombing victim was.

8.   About two dozen bombing victims and their families were also in the courtroom, as many have been every day, to see through their nightmare.

9.   After the deadlock was announced, some family members of bombing victims expressed dismay.

10.   After the judge rejected his plea for a lesser sentence, McGuire said his client had withdrawn his objections to allowing bombing victims to speak at the sentencing hearing.

a. + victim >>共 802
the 10.33%
alleged 4.50%
latest 4.36%
first 3.45%
innocent 3.23%
fallen 1.86%
shooting 1.74%
bombing 1.70%
other 1.63%
potential 1.60%
bombing + n. >>共 238
campaign 22.86%
raid 13.67%
attack 9.88%
run 5.46%
range 3.27%
victim 3.18%
suspect 2.91%
case 2.73%
mission 2.64%
plot 1.94%
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