1.   In the Santa Cruz neighborhood, witnesses said a building several stories high collapsed, blocking the street.

2.   They had blocked the street off, rather as if an armed siege was in progress.

3.   Thousands of people blocked the street, protesting against the new legislation.

4.   I saw a man shouting at a driver whose car was blocking the street.

5.   And that same scaffolding blocks the street in front of his store.

6.   As the police tried to flee, mobs blocked the streets with buses so the confiscated merchandise could not be hauled away.

7.   A Brookline police cruiser blocked the street to traffic to make room for the celebration, much to the astonishment of some of the Jewish immigrants.

8.   A seven-foot plywood wall was thrown up to protect the stock exchange, and surrounding streets were blocked to traffic.

9.   A seven-foot plywood wall was constructed to protect the stock exchange, and surrounding streets were blocked to traffic.

10.   A side street is blocked by concertina wire and concrete barriers.

v. + street >>共 469
patrol 11.45%
line 9.11%
cross 4.56%
walk 4.56%
roam 4.51%
fill 4.15%
block 4.10%
desert 4.00%
litter 3.95%
hit 2.91%
block + n. >>共 847
road 7.22%
shot 3.86%
access 3.34%
traffic 3.28%
effort 1.93%
street 1.70%
attempt 1.52%
highway 1.37%
entrance 1.28%
path 1.18%
每页显示:    共 239