1.   It said federal banking law does not let one bank sue another in federal court over hot-check disputes.

2.   The government has lent millions of pounds to debt-ridden banks in contravention of local banking laws.

3.   Hitherto Victoria had had far more liberal banking laws than the other five states.

4.   American banking laws call for immediate disclosure of corporate wrongdoing, while Japanese regulators are more protective of companies.

5.   At the national level, the recent rewrite of the banking laws included a lease on life for the basic law in this area, the Community Reinvestment Act.

6.   A banking law passed Friday by Congress will increase competition by allowing savings and loans associations over time to perform traditional activities.

7.   A federal banking law would take precedence over a conflicting state banking law, and a federal insurance law would hold sway over a state insurance rule.

8.   A federal appeals court, however, said the federal statute is a banking law, while the state rule is an insurance law.

9.   A special envoy of German Chancellor Helmut Kohl met with Indonesian President Suharto and said afterwards that Germany had offered to help Indonesia write new banking laws.

10.   Aiding the transition to becoming a fuller financial services provider are changes in interstate banking laws that took effect in June.

a. + law >>共 556
new 14.13%
federal 11.16%
state 8.24%
islamic 3.97%
current 3.25%
antitrust 2.00%
existing 1.99%
proposed 1.54%
local 1.46%
environmental 1.26%
banking 0.23%
banking + n. >>共 363
system 21.54%
industry 12.10%
sector 11.34%
crisis 2.90%
company 2.72%
business 2.58%
group 2.38%
service 1.88%
law 1.59%
stock 1.59%
每页显示:    共 79