1.   American insurance companies await word from the Japanese government on who will represent them on a commission aimed at finding ways to improve their market access.

2.   And a pair of Pasadena brothers are eagerly awaiting word from a sister in Eastern Europe they never knew they had, thanks to the emergency service agency.

3.   An initial test for monolucleosis was negative, but he is awaiting word on additional tests.

4.   And grieving relatives of their families spent the next several hours frantically awaiting word from the police and a local hospital.

5.   Armed with his list of names, Escalante sat in the shade of a tree, awaiting the word on more aid.

6.   As of Friday afternoon, Abdul-Jabbar was awaiting word from the NFL as to when he is likely to be drafted.

7.   As of Tuesday night, the Red Sox were still awaiting word on whether Kim had been granted a visa to come to the United States.

8.   As news of the disaster spread, students awaited word from their friends and professors who live and work in buildings near the twin towers.

9.   As for weekend on-campus events, Alcantar said, the school awaits word from participating schools about whether they can fly here.

10.   As the day began, Florida also was awaiting word from four other top recruits.

v. + word >>共 873
have 7.40%
say 6.58%
use 6.16%
exchange 3.64%
spread 3.54%
hear 2.74%
speak 2.62%
get 2.44%
keep 2.39%
await 2.26%
await + n. >>共 894
trial 17.80%
approval 5.41%
result 4.88%
outcome 3.75%
word 2.81%
release 2.50%
decision 2.28%
arrival 2.10%
action 1.88%
report 1.73%
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