1.   The gold bars were transported from the bank in an armored truck.

2.   Another guard waited in the armored truck parked around the corner on John F. Kennedy Street.

3.   Armored truck driver David Campbell risked his life during the North Hollywood bank shootout and was hailed as a hero.

4.   As soldiers in armored trucks blocked off the street leading to the central mosque here to non-Muslims, thousands of faithful arrived for Friday prayers.

5.   Authorities are allowing the Oklahoma City bank to take deliveries of checks for processing but have refused to allow armored trucks to enter the area for cash transfers.

6.   Banks constantly send crateloads of currency around Moscow in armored trucks that speed through the streets like ambulances, lights flashing and sirens wailing.

7.   About once a year, somewhere across this huge country of ours, a big bag of money falls off some armored truck somewhere.

8.   Caught with Rachel by the vindictive Tommy, Michael improvises an armored truck robbery scheme to appease the trigger-happy thug.

9.   Crowds thundered to the bank, harried managers threw up their hands and armored trucks arrived with hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars.

10.   Employees working in teams of two unload burlap sacks full of cash from armored trucks, stack the bundles on carts and roll them into a multiroomed vault.

a. + truck >>共 826
light 10.33%
mexican 5.40%
military 4.83%
heavy 3.83%
new 2.53%
large 2.46%
big 2.27%
small 2.01%
armored 1.89%
commercial 1.75%
armored + n. >>共 131
vehicle 35.75%
personnel 32.37%
car 12.45%
truck 2.16%
column 1.47%
unit 1.28%
police 1.09%
patrol 0.96%
bulldozer 0.87%
carrier 0.85%
每页显示:    共 79