1.   Arab unity, Christians and Muslims!

2.   Arab summit meeting are supposed to be all about Arab unity and brotherhood.

3.   Assad had pledged that, unlike those weak leaders who capitulated to Israel and the United States, he would uphold the dignity of Arab unity without compromise.

4.   But in its eagerness for a show of Arab unity, Egypt appeared to have acquiesced in the rule-breaking.

5.   In those years, however, President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt preached Arab unity, fought the Muslim Brotherhood and sought to undermine King Faisal.

6.   It was the greatest display of Arab unity in more than a decade.

7.   The history of the Syrian and Jordanian leaders also contributed mightily to the lack of Arab unity.

8.   We need Arab unity to face Bibi.

9.   A meeting aimed at promoting Arab unity ended Wednesday with an Iraqi and Egyptian delegate hurling crumpled papers and pushing and shoving each other, delegates said.

10.   Although Arab unity is a theme of the upcoming summit, Iraq has not been invited to participate.

a. + unity >>共 293
national 40.04%
european 7.63%
party 6.77%
arab 2.16%
political 1.96%
palestinian 1.86%
greater 1.61%
german 1.30%
racial 1.25%
new 1.15%
arab + n. >>共 532
country 14.88%
world 10.19%
state 8.13%
leader 7.88%
nation 4.86%
summit 2.98%
government 2.22%
neighbor 1.85%
land 1.71%
neighborhood 1.57%
unity 0.31%
每页显示:    共 43