1.   Although unconsummated, this relationship was undoubtedly the most satisfactory of his life and resulted in his passionate advocacy of animal rights.

2.   Animal rights activists and fox-hunters clashed at the annual Boxing Day hunt.

3.   Animal rights activists are believed to have carried out the bomb attack.

4.   Animal rights campaigners blame the latest set of bomb attacks on the lunatic fringe within the movement.

5.   Animal rights campaigners say the dogs are being bred in terrible conditions.

6.   Animal rights supporters were incandescent with rage.

7.   Bill has been involved in the animal rights movement for years.

8.   It is currently fashionable to forswear flesh eating in the interests of animal rights or a lower cholesterol level.

a. + right >>共 513
constitutional 6.57%
gay 6.19%
animal 5.91%
religious 4.43%
legal 4.20%
exclusive 3.68%
equal 3.02%
voting 3.00%
far 2.14%
individual 1.86%
animal + n. >>共 812
right 13.28%
feed 6.94%
welfare 3.10%
shelter 3.04%
study 2.73%
product 2.36%
lover 2.31%
control 1.88%
life 1.74%
cruelty 1.67%
每页显示:    共 760