1.   The move is aimed at strengthening its business in the region.

2.   Barry stated that stepping aside now is good for the city, and denied suggestions that the move was aimed at eliciting sympathy from the jury.

3.   Although that move would be aimed at mollifying British regulators, it would also leave Hutchison with a stake in the same company it just sold.

4.   Analysts said the moves are aimed at cutting costs amid stiffening competition to supply hospitals and research laboratories.

5.   But Brennan said the move was not aimed at competing head-to-head with on-line services and high technology companies.

6.   Each move was aimed at giving Stowers more time to spend on investments, innovations in the investment process and new products.

7.   It asked the new leaders to open the door to international tribunals with a commission of experts, a move aimed at building confidence in the new government.

8.   Liberals say his moves have been aimed at reestablishing Soviet-style central control over regional governors, business leaders, nongovernmental organizations, and the press.

9.   Nor are the moves aimed at families with children.

10.   Officials say the move is aimed in part at addressing a pending teacher shortage.

v. + move >>共 719
make 20.90%
oppose 4.53%
welcome 3.71%
see 3.66%
announce 2.74%
support 2.63%
aim 2.20%
block 1.85%
criticize 1.61%
consider 1.56%
aim + n. >>共 841
move 4.63%
attack 3.17%
measure 2.46%
talk 2.41%
visit 2.07%
program 1.80%
law 1.60%
campaign 1.55%
effort 1.38%
gun 1.35%
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