81.   Before investing in a bond ETF, Fitzhugh, the San Francisco financial adviser, said he would consider whether the savings are enough to justify the brokerage fees.

82.   Before, financial advisers received a fee for each transaction they performed.

83.   Besides the MWRA, Ferber also served as financial adviser to the District of Columbia, the US Postal Service and the Michigan Department of Transportation.

84.   Boliden has retained CIBC Wood Gundy Securities Inc. and Newcrest Capital Inc. as its financial advisers.

85.   Borden, the financially troubled consumer products giant based in Columbus, Ohio, and its financial advisers countered that the acquisition represented the best deal for stockholders.

86.   Both Bear Stearns and the Long Island Power Authority insist that the process of selecting the financial adviser was free of politics.

87.   Bradford, meanwhile, said that family, his agent and his financial adviser come first.

88.   Bonderman, a former top financial adviser to Fort Worth billionaire Robert Bass, is non-executive chairman of Continental.

89.   A broker or financial adviser can set up your portfolio so zeros come due at the same time as tuition payments.

90.   A local financial adviser said reports from inside the company told of a somber mood among employees.

a. + adviser >>共 429
financial 13.21%
senior 11.29%
top 7.47%
economic 5.23%
military 4.89%
presidential 4.73%
legal 4.59%
political 4.55%
former 3.66%
special 3.37%
financial + n. >>共 564
market 8.71%
institution 6.54%
service 4.92%
crisis 3.98%
aid 2.63%
support 2.14%
system 2.03%
problem 1.91%
assistance 1.38%
adviser 1.25%
每页显示:    共 650