71.   Not surprisingly, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., and others in the Republican leadership opposed any moves to jeopardize their majority party role.

72.   Not surprisingly, the airline industry in Britain opposes the move.

73.   Officials said the U.K. was the only country to oppose the move.

74.   Opponents of casino gambling doubt these predictions, and are opposing quiet moves in Parliament to establish a special gambling zone in Antalya.

75.   Powell also said that he opposed moves by the new Republican Congress to cut social services.

76.   Prosecutors have not opposed the move itself, but they disagree with how the defense wants to go about it.

77.   Persico wanted his son, Alphonse, to succeed him, but the move was opposed by a faction loyal to Victor Orena, the acting boss.

78.   Prosecutors will probably oppose the move, and are studying whether to appeal the sentence itself.

79.   Recently the lawyers who practice before the communication agency have joined the fray by opposing the move.

80.   Rangers president Tom Schieffer said the club would not oppose the move even though it prefers to stay in the American League.

v. + move >>共 719
make 20.90%
oppose 4.53%
welcome 3.71%
see 3.66%
announce 2.74%
support 2.63%
aim 2.20%
block 1.85%
criticize 1.61%
consider 1.56%
oppose + n. >>共 823
plan 3.79%
bill 3.59%
measure 3.43%
idea 3.21%
move 3.01%
abortion 2.17%
effort 1.85%
use 1.82%
proposal 1.69%
change 1.63%
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