61.   Farmer says he has refused requests for early copies of SATAN from online services.

62.   For his part, Martin refused a request that the interview be tape-recorded.

63.   For the past two decades, the commission has maintained that escalators do not pose an unreasonable hazard and has refused requests to order safety improvements.

64.   For weeks, the usually accessible Racicot has refused interview requests.

65.   For years, Flaherty has refused requests for interviews, and he rarely attends public functions or conferences.

66.   Germany refuses American requests for extradition.

67.   Ginsborg said that Vargas has refused requests for a debate.

68.   Gazprom said journalists walked out of talks after it refused their request.

69.   Green Mount Cemetery in Baltimore refused their request, and a lower court upheld its right to control the grave site.

70.   He also refused requests to do television interviews on the subject.

v. + request >>共 422
reject 10.59%
make 9.89%
deny 6.96%
decline 6.49%
refuse 6.24%
receive 4.28%
grant 4.10%
consider 4.03%
approve 2.77%
file 2.33%
refuse + n. >>共 591
comment 17.10%
request 9.74%
offer 5.86%
entry 4.88%
permission 3.75%
demand 3.08%
order 2.50%
treatment 2.37%
access 2.15%
food 1.71%
每页显示:    共 446