61.   Beardsley interprets the cuisines and techniques of several Asian countries and combines them with the best of California ingredients.

62.   Because of their extensive trade, foreign investment and credit links with Japan, most Asian countries are effectively hostage to Japanese economic fortunes.

63.   Big Camel exports its Simpson Desert animals to several Asian countries, including Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore.

64.   Both are readily available in the Asian countries, where more and more furniture is being made for American manufacturers.

65.   A decline in demand from Asian countries has pushed some world commodity prices down to levels not seen in four years.

66.   A large current account gap led Asian countries to devalue their currencies, wreaking havoc on local economies.

67.   A doctor told me in some Asian countries families come with their ill to a hospital and camp out on the grounds, setting up cook fires and bedrolls.

68.   A key difference between China and most other Asian countries is that its currency is not fully convertible and is therefore not vulnerable to speculative attacks.

69.   A number of Asian countries, most notably Thailand, are reeling from the bursting of real estate-driven asset bubbles stemming in part from loose lending requirements.

70.   A principal culprit of possibly slower growth is the dependence of many Asian countries on imported oil.

a. + country >>共 454
the 15.05%
european 5.86%
arab 4.04%
asian 3.56%
african 3.24%
neighboring 2.51%
foreign 2.50%
western 2.42%
poor 1.82%
communist 1.59%
asian + n. >>共 698
country 12.10%
market 9.46%
crisis 8.12%
nation 5.10%
economy 4.55%
currency 4.21%
tour 1.47%
stock 1.32%
company 1.13%
leader 1.09%
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