51.   Ed Nelson, assistant chief of the regional Border Patrol office, received a call from Okanogan County Sheriff Jim Weed.

52.   Even in Kansas City, the regional office of the FBI fielded tips from online Sherlocks.

53.   Even when pollution discharges were known to violate the terms of existing permits, the regional EPA office rarely took enforcement actions, the report said.

54.   For information, contact a regional office of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

55.   For late starters, the regional offices are the cheapest fast recourse, although it takes three to four hours to get through a line.

56.   He is hoping to increase that to three days in the regional office.

57.   He said the regional office will use the Oneida money only after it has spent all other available money.

58.   He transformed half of one building into a regional office for National Farms and leased the other half to Judith Mackey for a new studio.

59.   He rose through the ranks and worked in various IBM regional offices.

60.   He said agents from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms arrived today from a regional office in Connecticut to help investigate the case.

a. + office >>共 671
public 6.30%
new 4.89%
home 3.56%
representative 2.78%
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political 2.40%
regional 2.14%
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statewide 1.91%
presidential 1.90%
regional + n. >>共 949
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currency 2.62%
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market 1.47%
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