51.   It appeared the Russian move was aimed in part at limiting the control exerted by the executive chairman, Richard Butler.

52.   It quoted bank governor, Abdullah Bin Khalid al-Attiyah, as saying the move was aimed at stimulating the banking system.

53.   Japan launched a sweeping reorganization of its government on Saturday, a move aimed at shifting power from scandal-tainted bureaucrats to elected officials.

54.   Journalists at an independent weekly on Monday defied attempts by management to replace their editor-in-chief, fearing the move was aimed at bringing the paper under government control.

55.   Last month, his lawyer, Steve Seiden, said the move was aimed at avoiding media coverage.

56.   LIC chairman Terry Smith yesterday said the twin moves are aimed at increasing protection for insurance buyers.

57.   Megret had vainly insisted that his move was not aimed against Le Pen personally.

58.   Megret insisted that his move was not aimed against Le Pen personally.

59.   NATO officials denied speculation that these moves were aimed at limiting the power and mobility of Karadzic and Mladic, but acknowledge it may have that effect.

60.   News reports did not specify the new moves were aimed at skirting the sanctions.

v. + move >>共 719
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aim + n. >>共 841
move 4.63%
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talk 2.41%
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program 1.80%
law 1.60%
campaign 1.55%
effort 1.38%
gun 1.35%
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