41.   Perry flew in from Taipei where he exchanged views on regional security with top Taiwanese officials.

42.   Powell is attending regional security talks, which begin Wednesday.

43.   A senior U.S. State Department official arrived in Pakistan Wednesday to begin talks on regional security and the ongoing conflict in neighboring Afghanistan.

44.   A State Department official visiting Pakistan Tuesday was to meet with senior government leaders to discuss regional security and bilateral relations, a U.S. Embassy spokesman said.

45.   A wide range of issues would be discussed, he said, including aid and regional security.

46.   A senior Japanese defense official warned Monday that the economic turmoil sweeping through Asia could adversely affect regional security.

47.   A U.S. Embassy spokesman said Raphel will also discuss regional security concerns between Pakistan and India.

48.   Addressing wider regional security concerns, Barak warned that Iran and Iraq have ballistic missiles and are making a concerted effort to acquire nuclear weapons.

49.   Addressing that meeting, then President Fidel Ramos said cross-border crimes threaten regional security.

50.   Afghan officials said U.S. Special Forces had not handed over two suspects who allegedly sought refuge at their base after ambushing the car of the regional security chief.

a. + security >>共 589
national 11.40%
palestinian 8.22%
israeli 3.99%
tight 3.50%
new 3.07%
state 2.36%
lebanese 2.28%
heavy 1.39%
regional 1.37%
russian 1.35%
regional + n. >>共 949
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currency 2.62%
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security 2.12%
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