41.   That bill is awaiting Senate action.

42.   That proposal, aimed at regulations protecting wetlands and endangered species, has already passed the House and has been awaiting action in the Senate.

43.   That plan awaits legislative action this winter.

44.   The bill awaits action in the House, where it is sponsored by another South Dakota lawmaker, Rep. John R. Thune, a Republican.

45.   The bill has passed the House and awaits action by the Senate.

46.   The bill is now sitting in a House-Senate conference committee awaiting action.

47.   The bill, which passed the House, is awaiting action in the Senate.

48.   The bill awaits action in the House.

49.   The bill is now awaiting action by the International Affairs Committee.

v. + action >>共 497
take 38.73%
see 3.24%
threaten 2.57%
face 1.92%
consider 1.87%
defend 1.71%
demand 1.44%
plan 1.01%
delay 0.98%
await 0.94%
await + n. >>共 894
trial 17.80%
approval 5.41%
result 4.88%
outcome 3.75%
word 2.81%
release 2.50%
decision 2.28%
arrival 2.10%
action 1.88%
report 1.73%
每页显示:    共 145