31.   American ships have been bobbing off the coast of Haiti for some time, and Clinton has announced the impending invasion on national television.

32.   An ailing Russian President Boris Yeltsin slowly signed his name last week to a decree firing his popular security adviser Alexander Lebed on national television.

33.   An appearance on national television for the University of Houston basketball team during the Clyde Drexler coaching experiment could mean more than increased revenue and exposure for the school.

34.   An incendiary Harris yanked him, saw Van Exel kick a chair and then scolded him on national television.

35.   An all-night vigil in front of the Singapore embassy here by hundreds of Filipinos was broadcast live on national television.

36.   And ad spending in outlets like national broadcast television networks and local TV stations has slowed appreciably in the fourth quarter.

37.   And in the stands, fans waved signs for a national television audience.

38.   And it was all live and in color on Cuban national television and radio.

39.   And he won permission from Castro to give a speech on national Cuban television earlier this month, the first TV address by a religious leader since the revolution.

40.   And Carolina coach George Seifert and former Jets coach Bill Parcells might be the first coaches to sing on national television.

a. + television >>共 686
state 10.66%
national 8.13%
local 4.65%
russian 4.42%
state-run 3.11%
israeli 2.53%
private 2.41%
digital 2.30%
live 1.98%
new 1.69%
national + n. >>共 884
security 5.88%
team 4.56%
championship 3.70%
television 2.42%
election 2.20%
holiday 2.00%
interest 1.40%
title 1.40%
unity 1.36%
champion 1.13%
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