31.   It did what constitutional guarantees of equality did not do.

32.   Institutional constraints, it has been observed, may limit the ability of this Court to enforce the federal constitutional guarantees.

33.   Notwithstanding constitutional guarantees provided by the new Libyan nation, restrictions on Jews were gradually imposed.

34.   On its face, consideration of race bucks the constitutional guarantee of equal protection.

35.   Opponents say the bill violates constitutional guarantees of free speech and weakens political parties.

36.   Planned Parenthood, which does provide abortions, argued that the law authorizing the plates violates constitutional guarantees of free speech and equal protection.

37.   Republicans pressed their argument that selective hand counts would be a violation of the constitutional guarantee to equal protection of the law.

38.   Such attitudes reflect the thrust behind the new wave of school litigation demanding that state constitutional guarantees of quality education be fulfilled.

39.   State and federal courts have ruled that defendants acquitted of crimes for reasons of insanity are entitled to constitutional guarantees of due process against involuntary commitment.

40.   Supporters say the work they do is key to upholding the constitutional guarantee that the justice system remain open to all people, rich or poor.

a. + guarantee >>共 275
constitutional 12.44%
federal 5.75%
financial 3.55%
written 3.55%
international 2.96%
legal 2.62%
such 2.45%
only 2.45%
new 2.28%
best 2.12%
constitutional + n. >>共 507
amendment 18.23%
right 10.49%
reform 4.84%
change 4.62%
court 4.38%
law 2.60%
issue 2.20%
crisis 2.17%
protection 2.12%
guarantee 1.81%
每页显示:    共 146