21.   Asian nations pursued an Asian model of development -- strong central government leadership of industry, often with a detailed industrial policy.

22.   Asian nations should benefit from the shift.

23.   At a symposium attended by monetary officials from nine countries and Hong Kong, Japanese officials said they were considering signing securities repurchase agreements with other Asian nations.

24.   As the yen area solidifies and the yen becomes the common Pacific currency, Americans will need to sell dollars for yen to conduct business with any Asian nation.

25.   Asian nations are the largest buyers of Australian mineral and metal exports, and major buyers of Australian agricultural exports.

26.   Asian nations have been hit hardest, because they conduct a large trade in such products.

27.   Asian nations that restrict foreign access to forward currency markets include Vietnam, China, Korea and Taiwan.

28.   Asian nations were paying close attention to the saga, with most reluctant to take sides in the row.

29.   Battered by currency devaluations, stock market crashes and failing banks, the Asian nations are not in a hurry to let in a lot of new competition.

30.   Because of the relatively low standards of living in some Asian nations, more people are willing to work for substandard pay there, he said.

a. + nation >>共 477
the 5.53%
african 5.16%
developing 4.40%
european 4.33%
western 3.70%
asian 3.57%
arab 3.14%
industrialized 2.61%
caribbean 2.23%
southeast_asian 2.05%
asian + n. >>共 698
country 12.10%
market 9.46%
crisis 8.12%
nation 5.10%
economy 4.55%
currency 4.21%
tour 1.47%
stock 1.32%
company 1.13%
leader 1.09%
每页显示:    共 764