11.   As with any other legislation, the president could then veto that measure, whereupon it would take two-thirds majorities in each House to override him.

12.   Before the August recess, National Security Adviser Anthony Lake said President Bill Clinton would veto a measure that mandated deployment of such a system.

13.   Bill Clinton vetoed the measure.

14.   A White House official, however, said Clinton vetoed the measure for other reasons.

15.   A White House official said Clinton would veto the measure as soon as he gets it.

16.   Administration officials responded harshly on Tuesday night to the subcommittee action, saying that the president would almost certainly veto the measure in its current form.

17.   After the hearing, Giuliani said it was likely he would veto the measure.

18.   Almond vetoed the measure.

19.   Although Clinton has vowed to veto the measure, he said Wednesday that he hoped to work with Congress to resolve the disagreements.

20.   Breslow has said that, as governor, he would veto any measure passed by the Nebraska Legislature allowing marriages between homosexuals.

v. + measure >>共 446
take 15.60%
approve 4.95%
oppose 3.96%
pass 3.61%
support 2.75%
announce 2.72%
veto 2.52%
adopt 2.38%
introduce 2.35%
include 1.99%
veto + n. >>共 240
bill 32.41%
legislation 10.98%
measure 10.75%
resolution 6.18%
decision 2.57%
plan 2.19%
proposal 1.84%
law 1.65%
idea 1.31%
candidate 1.15%
每页显示:    共 278