11.   Who are the people who do the campaigning, the leafleting in every election, in every national election?

12.   Branch boundaries do not have any significance in national elections.

13.   In the United Kingdom, a citizen may have the opportunity to vote in a national election only once every five years.

14.   Also for the first time, Hague is being talked about as a serious competitor in the national election expected next year.

15.   Although no official results were released yet, PP party leaders were already proclaiming victory in the national elections.

16.   Although rank-and-file ratification of the contract negotiated by the Teamsters bargaining team is expected, a national election must still be held.

17.   American and other Western officials say that national elections in Bosnia, creating a legislature and shared presidency, will help begin stitching the fractured country back together.

18.   Americans will choose a president, Senators, members of Congress, and other officials in national elections on Tuesday.

19.   Americans want national elections to be governed by a strong set of uniform standards, and they want the changes made soon.

20.   And every national election, we are told, will bring forth a whole new era in Washington.

a. + election >>共 447
presidential 16.69%
new 6.95%
parliamentary 6.78%
early 5.01%
local 4.33%
national 4.31%
legislative 2.83%
next 2.64%
municipal 2.13%
upcoming 1.92%
national + n. >>共 884
security 5.88%
team 4.56%
championship 3.70%
television 2.42%
election 2.20%
holiday 2.00%
interest 1.40%
title 1.40%
unity 1.36%
champion 1.13%
每页显示:    共 1280