11.   Caroline Spears says she was given no option but to have a caesarian section when her daughter Freya was born eighteen months ago.

12.   Also, consumers are being given more options in the types of HMO they can join, with some choices being less restrictive than others.

13.   Also, addicts who face losing their professional licenses, such as physicians and attorneys, could be given the option of entering such programs.

14.   And that gives us options if we get stuck in the mud.

15.   Black men who were being followed in the study to determine the natural course of syphilis were not given the option of receiving penicillin.

16.   A Boeing spokesman said the stock and options were given to him as an incentive to stay at the company.

17.   A recipient who objects to receiving services from a church or religious group is supposed to be given the option of receiving services from another organization.

18.   Abbott was given the option to start over at Triple-A Vancouver but chose against it due to family reasons.

19.   Bryant was given the option of retirement or his release on Friday after failing to pass ongoing team physicals.

20.   But Fieger said in an interview Friday that he would ask that the jury not be given that option, adding that he expected all charges to be dismissed.

v. + option >>共 490
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give + n. >>共 870
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