1.   Analysts said they expect both Zell and Speyer to improve their offers.

2.   As promised, the Astros improved their offer to the free-agent third baseman Friday, and the two sides moved closer to reaching an agreement.

3.   But industry analysts say Vodafone has a chance of emerging victorious, especially if it substantially improves its offer.

4.   But in this case the lieutenants saw an opportunity to improve their offer by going first and avoiding arbitration.

5.   Canada still could improve its offer by moving up the timetable for lifting its monopoly of Teleglobe, the Canadian national phone company.

6.   Diplomats and oil executives said the postponement would give Turkey time to improve its offer to the companies.

7.   First Union could sweeten its deal, and SunTrust Banks could improve its offer in response.

8.   He said the EU itself was ready to improve its offer relating to access to the Portuguese telecom market if other negotiators made final minor improvements to their offers.

9.   He said he was hopeful that the EU would improve its offer in terms of foreign ownership in the telecommunications industry.

10.   In recent days, moreover, many countries have improved their offers.

v. + offer >>共 474
make 15.69%
reject 14.52%
accept 10.90%
receive 4.09%
refuse 3.59%
match 3.15%
decline 3.08%
have 2.85%
consider 2.46%
withdraw 2.26%
improve 0.80%
improve + n. >>共 696
relation 6.26%
condition 3.79%
quality 3.53%
tie 3.35%
performance 3.28%
service 2.71%
security 2.59%
efficiency 2.55%
life 2.10%
safety 2.08%
offer 0.38%
每页显示:    共 60