1.   City staffers have ignored his requests for about a year.

2.   Or dealing with suppliers that ignore requests for raw materials.

3.   The lawsuit claims that Sagan ignored the request and went forward with the production of the movie.

4.   They ignored repeated requests to leave the property.

5.   Although the Cuban government hinted that it might hand over Vesco shortly after his arrest, it has since ignored repeated requests to do so.

6.   American officials have said that that request was essentially ignored, though Khan suggested on Thursday that the reason was not a lack of Pakistani will.

7.   Ask him to explain why he has ignored your request and continued to trade in a manner that you specifically nixed.

8.   Authorities in Belgrade, the capital of Yugoslavia, appeared to ignore repeated requests by the European organization to allow the unarmed monitors to go.

9.   Both sides ignored his requests almost immediately.

10.   Acting Air Force Secretary Whitten Peters warned Friday that he might close military bases on his own authority if Congress ignores Pentagon requests for another round of base closures.

v. + request >>共 422
reject 10.59%
make 9.89%
deny 6.96%
decline 6.49%
refuse 6.24%
receive 4.28%
grant 4.10%
consider 4.03%
approve 2.77%
file 2.33%
ignore 1.99%
ignore + n. >>共 1593
warning 4.98%
order 3.33%
call 2.32%
advice 2.11%
fact 1.97%
request 1.89%
plea 1.88%
question 1.78%
demand 1.66%
appeal 1.55%
每页显示:    共 142