71.   Other districts like Verona are also considering going to court to defuse a protest tactic that prompts high anxiety among high school seniors and their parents.

72.   Partners in some European countries are considering going their own way.

73.   Pops told them he did not want to see a doctor that day, but would consider going the next.

74.   PowerBar also considered going public, but consumer-product stocks are currently out of favor on Wall Street, Maxwell said.

75.   Perhaps Weld should consider going elsewhere on trips.

76.   Right, but would you ever consider going back to the NBA?

77.   She is considering going home, but only for a few weeks, she said.

78.   Schottenheimer considered going to the regular defense in the second quarter and then decided to wait until halftime when the transition could be more smooth.

79.   She performed opera and considered going in that direction, but felt a stronger calling.

80.   The affidavit said Idris told the grand jury that he and El-Yacoubi had considered going to the Vatican, Israel and Saudi Arabia on their trip.

v-ing going >>共 391
keep 26.25%
get 13.55%
have 7.12%
be 5.22%
start 5.20%
stop 2.99%
consider 2.57%
avoid 1.88%
see 1.70%
end_up 1.56%
consider v-ing >>共 606
taking 2.89%
buying 2.47%
selling 2.33%
making 2.26%
moving 2.13%
leaving 1.91%
using 1.82%
running 1.67%
sending 1.53%
giving 1.44%
going 1.17%
每页显示:    共 129