71.   Now a new book supports the findings.

72.   Philip Lopate, an essayist and literary critic, said he could understand how Winfrey might grow weary of picking a new book each month.

73.   Recently, after finishing her dinner, Rachel jumped up from the table, eager to read a new book.

74.   She is working on a new book on the subject, and she has become increasingly pessimistic.

75.   She has written a new book about political rhetoric, the Washington press corps, and listening between the lines to the national conversation.

76.   Sounds like fodder for a new book.

77.   Spong will be delivering the William Belden Noble Lectures, which will become the basis of a new book.

78.   Stingley canceled the meeting when he was told that Tatum was using the show to promote a new book.

79.   The answer, according to a new book, is neither of the above.

80.   The former girlfriend of O.J. Simpson has a new book.

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