1.  As George W. Bush's record in Texas suggests, recent years have seen plenty of action on tort reform in particular states.

2.  Even the most optimistic in the industry believe this coming year will likely see more dreaded conversations between the two than ever before.

3.  Elsewhere, the past year saw the continued inexorable march of major media consolidation.

4.  For good measure, the past year has seen competitions for two new Thames bridges along the same stretch.

5.  However, the past year has seen a major change of policy and attitude in Canada.

6.  If recent years have seen the Grammy Awards strive for relevance and artistic credibility in their annual prizes to the American music industry, all that was forgotten Tuesday.

7.  If all goes as Peres hopes, the next few years could see Israel complete the process of making peace with its Arab neighbors.

8.  In 1993, the temperature reached at least 100 degrees on six days, although the next year saw highs mostly in the 80s.

9.  In 1926, change was beginning to accelerate: that year saw the introduction of everything from Scotch tape to Safeway.

10.  It is not good enough that the last year has seen a generous muster of children's and family movies.

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