31.  As his revolutionary work he had to lived in many countries such as Germany, Belgium, England and so on.

32.  In 1849, he moved to London and made London the base for his revolutionary work.

33.  In 1849, he went to England and made London the base for his revolutionary work.

34.  The emperor sent his old Prime Minister, the offcial to see the cloth, but they saw nothing and they in order not to say himself is unfil for the work that they told the emperor the cloth were very beautiful.

35.  I must do more house work and cooking in these days because my mother was out.

36.  And on the farm, there was a worker work on the farm .

37.  The young man was very hamsome and he tried his hard to do his work.

38.  They often have been in work for ten hours.

39.  They did any work would be careful and fast .

40.  I have many work to do, but I felt very happy, because I learned more things.

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