1.  Sometimes it's human nature that women make good mother, however, it's human rights to choose their role in family without the fusty social framework.

2.  Although we might admit that women can also make achievements in those areas which are under the men's control, we still have to confront the fact that it might reduce the social efficiency.

3.  What's worth being talked of is that 97 percent of the beauty efforts women make are ignored by men.

4.  Men make friends based on the shared hobbies, but women make friends through communications with each other.

5.  So they make up to make themselves beautiful enough and attract men's eyes, though most men won't pay much attention to these efforts that women have made.

6.  Men don't even notice 97 percent of the beauty efforts women make .

7.  Women have to attract men's attention to satisfy themselves but actually men don't even notice 97 percent of the beauty efforts the women made anyway.

8.  Actually, men usually tend to neglect the efforts women make, and they are never in hopes of looking like Brad Pitt.

9.  He says men don't notice most beauty efforts women make.

10.  Women don't need to be obsessed with trying to look Cindy Crawford, because men don't even notice 97 percent of the beauty efforts women make.

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