51.  Any politician who can't knock that one out of the park should be put on the disk-cabled list (to be kept off C-SPAN).

52.  Any politician who knows that probably can be trusted.

53.  Any potential juror who watched this could have come away prejudiced against that tire company, and certainly disturbed by its mascot's penchant for violence.

54.  Denmon flew to Texas for a few days to be with his grandfather, who is seriously ill.

55.  Dennehy is one of many actors of national stature who consider Chicago, and especially the Goodman and Steppenwolf companies, to be ideal places to work.

56.  Dennehy, who has been on the force for eight years, was briefly trapped on the plaza level of 1 World Trade Center.

57.  Denney, who also said he could not comment on the settlement, was voted out of office last November.

58.  Dennis and Denise ran for a nearby track club coached by Bill and Evelyn Lewis, who had a son named Carl.

59.  Dennis Barley, a private investigator who worked for Kallins, sees the deal as simply a case of prosecutorial provincialism.

60.  Dennis Borba, who lays claim to the Velcro concept, is not sentimental about fighting bulls; he considers them lucky.

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