1.  Similarly, her consideration of wearing a crucifix as jewellery was linked to assumptions that individuals might ascribe to the wearer.

2.  The players wore black armbands as a tribute to their late teammate.

3.  When driving, she always wears her seatbelt as a precaution.

4.  And as the Mets did their stretching exercises at Shea Stadium, some wore eyeblack strips as mustaches.

5.  And lauded like Joan of Arc wearing Southern charm as her breastplate.

6.  Another time, at a reception at Crown Jewelers Garrard, Diana arrived in a high-necked gown wearing a cross as a pendant.

7.  At one point, Zimmerman wore Ina as a turban after flipping her over like an omelet.

8.  Alexandra Cohan, a spokeswoman for Old Navy, said the trend of wearing pajamas as regular clothes seems to be growing.

9.  But Albanese wears that label as a badge of honor.

10.  Deng and others who were persecuted during the Cultural Revolution now wear those scars as a badge of honor.

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