1.  Any player would be crazy not to want to be in a situation like Cleveland or New York.

2.  Any player would have to be crazy to not want to be a part of that.

3.  Defensive tackle D'Marco Farr, like many of the Rams, didn't want to talk much about the game.

4.  Defensively, the Bulldogs wanted to force Kansas outside, where it has had trouble all season.

5.  Defensively, the Eagles wanted to limit the Giants' ground game as much as possible.

6.  Defensively, you want to keep him between the tackles.

7.  DENISON-COLUMN (Undted) _ When a company wants to develop a new product, what does it do?

8.  Denmon came to USC from Texas the youngest of five childeren, wanting to be on his own.

9.  Dennis Coleman says, "It's clear both sides want to make a deal.

10.  Dennis Rodman didn't want to play anymore.

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