1.  As far as the birds go, why would you want to spray them?

2.  As for the petitioners who want to see the word removed from the dictionary, their hearts may be in the right places but their logic is hopelessly scrambled.

3.  Ditto for Melvin's efforts to trade for Roger Clemens, who wanted his contract rewritten.

4.  Ditto for Riverbrooke Properties, which wants to build 246 houses on 209 acres on Old Atlanta Road.

5.  Delving into Coppola's career immediately prompts another mystery: why would she even want to make movies?

6.  During several visits to London, the duo, who wanted a feeling that was warm but edgy, conceived interiors that make crucial use of color.

7.  Even if there's a washing machine, who wants to spend vacation doing laundry and ironing blouses?

8.  Ever since the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, the network has become a sort of headquarters for viewers who want their news served up with extra patriotic fervor.

9.  Everyone applauded: Who wants perverts running through the streets?

10.  EUROMONEY (London) -- Pooh Bear must be wondering: Why does my publisher want to sell me?

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